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Microsoft’s Evolution: From Closed-Source to .NET, GitHub And Visual Studio Code

Microsoft's Evolution: From Closed-Source to .NET, GitHub And Visual Studio Code

While i was writing my previous post on the implications of Red Hat’s decision on RHEL and the Impact of organizational shifts on Open Source Communities, i was reminded of the shift Microsoft has taken in recent years and we mustn’t forget to mention Microsoft’s evolution. The tech giant has come a long way from its proprietary roots, marking a stark contrast from its beginnings as a purely proprietary technology and product company.

There was a time when the name ‘Microsoft’ was almost synonymous with closed-source and proprietary software. With its Windows operating system and the Office suite, Microsoft seemed firmly entrenched in a business model that revolved around closely guarded intellectual property.

However, in recent years, the company has undergone a significant transformation. It has embraced open-source principles to a degree that would have been unimaginable in its early days. From open-sourcing .NET to buying GitHub, a platform at the heart of open-source development, Microsoft’s journey into open source has been nothing short of remarkable.

This shift in philosophy is a big part of the modern Microsoft we see today. They’ve proven that it is possible to balance a successful commercial model with active participation in the open-source community. It’s been a game-changer, breathing new life into the company and helping it make significant inroads into the internet and cloud spaces.

From a company once struggling to find its place in the internet world, Microsoft has evolved to become a leader, now boasting an impressive portfolio of cloud services through Azure, productivity tools like Office 365, and numerous open-source initiatives.

This evolution has shown the tech industry the potential benefits of embracing open-source philosophies and has undoubtedly played a significant role in the resurgence of Microsoft as a global technology leader. The new Microsoft is proof that a shift towards open-source can lead to innovation, collaboration, and commercial success.

Microsoft’s transformation sends an important message to the industry at large: Evolving with the times and embracing open-source does not only support innovation and foster collaboration but can also provide a significant competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

#Microsoft #opensource #transformation #innovation #Azure #GitHub #DotNET #CloudComputing

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